1. Multi-lead epidermal electronics for healthcare (lead by Xian Huang)


Printing electronic technology that is scalable to yield mass fabrication of flexible electronics has been used to develop large area multilead sensors for healthcare applications. Using reversible connection between the sensors and the flexible circuits, continuous monitoring of human health conditions in static and dynamic states become feasible. The result can be used to predict health conditions and provide diagnosis suggestion for cardiovascular diseases.

2. Epidermal electronics for plants (lead by Xian Huang)


The epidermal electronics are constructed by unique structures of inorganic materials and intrinsic soft organic materials. These types of electronics can deform together with human skin with improved capability to withstand motion artifacts. We have achieved various multifunctional and multichannel devices that can sense physical parameters such as heart rate, biopotential, temperature, humidity, oxygen level, pulse rate, and stress and chemical parameters such as ion, glucose, and lactate. The devices can work continuously for more than 7 days and have collected large numbers of data.

3. Bioresorbable electronics (lead by Xian Huang)


Bioresorbable electronic device is a new type of information device, which breaks the long-standing fixed form of traditional electronic device that is difficult to be recycled. We have not only obtained CMOS-based bioabsorbable electronics, but also established printing transient devices. We proposed the water sintering technology that can improve the electrical performance of printing inks at room temperature and normal pressure. The bioresorbable electronic devices have reached the performance of conventional electronic devices, and a transient consumer electronic device has been realized.

4. Bioresorbable electronics for consumer electronics (lead by Xian Huang)


Basing on the bimetal water sintering apporach, high performance bioresorbable circuits have been realized. The conductors in the circuits have matching conductivity as pure metals, making the bioresorbable circuits as good as conventional circuits. The technique can be used to replace conventional circuits to make consumer electronics to faciliate rapid recycling of the circuit componnents.

5. Implantable electronics (lead by Xian Huang)


We have developed multi-lead, multi-parameter and high-throughput flexible implantable electronic devices, and use these devices to measure and regulate electrical and chemical parameters in human tissues. Highly selective chemical measurement can be achieved through metal-organic frameworks, enzymes, ion-selective membranes,and aptamers. Electrical and photonic stimulation can be used to regulate electrical and chemical activities. These devices help to understand the working mechanism of the animal body from the system level, and can provide important apporaches for the brain-computer interface, unmanned system control, neurological disease treatment, and tumor treatment.

6. Magnetoelectronics (lead by Xian Huang)


Permanent magnetic rare earth nano and micro particles have been used to prepare composite materials, which can be used to realize flexible magnetic membranes and magnetic devices. We propose methods to define the magetic polarities through origami apporaches and magnetic field enhancement through edge effect. Flexible devices based on magnetic films such as soft robots, sensors, centrifugal pumps, tumor treatment, and nervous system detection, have been realized.

7. Smallest flexible centrifugal pumps (lead by Xian Huang)


Flexible and miniaturized centrifugal pumps based on rotators made of origami magnetic membranes and electromagnets have been achieved. The pumps can be magnetically levitated through the magnetic force between the electromagnets and the rotators. The pumps can be used in cardiovascular diseases and kidney failure for blood and dialysis fluid circulation. The pumps have demonstrated the capability to achieve turn conventional mechanical systems into small and flexible devices. These centrifugal pumps are the smallest and lightest centrifugal pumps that can be practically used in clinic applications.

8. Targeted drug delivery technique mediated by ultrasound (lead by Dr. Zhenzhen Fan)


Ultraound and microbubbles mediated intracellular delivery technique is a versatile, effective and safe targeted drug delivery method, especially suitable for targeted delivery of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents for cancer treatment. We have investigated the biological and physical mechanisms underlying this technique from the cellular level to the tissue level. By providing new insights in the mechanisms, our studies promote the development of this technique and its clinical translation.

9. Acoustic tweezing cytometry (lead by Dr. Zhenzhen Fan)


We have developed advanced acoustic tweezing cytometry using surface acoustic waves and microstructure acoustics. By integrating with cell culture ablility, advanced acoustic tweezing cytometry is applied to stem cell fate modulation, injured neuron repairment and so on. Our work provides a precise and high-throughput cell function regulation technique, with numerous applications including stem cell differentiation.

10. Liquid Metal Based Flexible Electronics (lead by Dr. Rui Guo)


We have developed the preparation of liquid metal flexible electronic in biomedical field, and develop a series of functional flexible electronic circuits, such as multilayer large area circuit, stretch sensor, wearable electronic tattoo and medical image auxiliary equipment, which show good electrical characteristics and broad application prospects in biomedical field.

11. Photonic sintering of VdW films (lead by Dr. Wenxing Huo)

本研究开发了一种大面积瞬态Van der Waals薄膜和器件的制备方法,利用光脉冲烧结和转印技术获得基于多层二维材料的瞬态薄膜,通过改变光脉冲的驱动电压和脉冲宽度可以调控瞬态薄膜的各种特性。基于这种技术的瞬态薄膜可用作可降解的可抛式心电电极。通过两步烧结方法可以直接将瞬态薄膜进行图案化,线宽可达100 µm。本研究采用的光脉冲烧结方法满足低温和无水条件的要求,兼容瞬态电子器件的制造工艺,可用于制备各种大面积的瞬态Van der Waals薄膜和器件。这些瞬态器件将进一步丰富瞬态电子学的范畴。

A photonic sintering method for large-area transient van der Waals (vdW) films and devices was developed. A two-step sintering method was developed to directly pattern the transient films with a linewidth of 100 µm. Transient electronics based on other vdW thin films such as graphene and MoS2 can be fabricated by the same approaches through combining photonic sintering and direct transferring. It can be expected that more and more transient electronics based on vdW thin films that are processed by the photonic sintering may appear. These transient devices will further enrich the scope of transient electronics and reduce the consumption of time, energy, and resource.

12. artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis (lead by Dr. Yu Guo)


We work on developing personalized computer-aided diagnosis and prognosis systems by using image processing, information fusion, pattern recognition methods in various medical fields. Currently, we focus on the following research topics, tumor segmentation in multi-parametric MRI images, deep learning of CT-PET images for lymphoma segmentation and outcome prediction, multimodality medical images and clinical information based breast cancer personalized diagnosis and prognosis.